Creating value from Open Data in Higher Education
Javiera Atenas - March 25, 2015 in data, featured
A free one-day workshop will be held on Thursday, 16 April 2015 from 14:00 to 16:00 (BST) in London on Creating value from Open Data in Higher Education. The workshop is an opportunity to input into Universities UK’s creating value from open data project. The project aims to help make the case for open data in UK higher education by exploring how open data could support a range of activities that higher education institutions undertake.
The workshop will explore potential links with other relevant activities, such as this working group and the LinkedUp Project.The workshop will also welcome feedback on some initial findings from a series of workshops with institutions and sector groups.
Outputs from the project will include:
- White paper and practical road map identifying areas where there is potential for further work and the key policy and organisational questions that will need to be addressed.
- An application based on open data supporting the experiences of students studying at university to demonstrate a practical use-case.
- Briefings for senior leaders and managers to raise awareness of the open data agenda and to provide practical guidance and advice.
The creating value from open data project is a joint project with the Open Data Institute, partner universities and the NUS, with support from Jisc and the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education.
Universities UK is the membership organisation for the executive heads of UK universities.
For more information on work in this area see the seminar series: Creating value from open data.
For further information about the workshop and project please contact
You can register for the workshop on Eventbrite.