Hit the Road Map: A Human Timeline of the Open Education Space
Would you like to join the School of Open (Creative Commons & P2PU), the Open Knowledge Foundation, and FLOSS Manuals Foundation for a fun evening to connect with your peers in the open education space!
If so then can you make our event Hit the Road Map: A Human Timeline of the Open Education Space on Thursday, October 24, 2013 from 6PM to 9PM (BST), London, United Kingdom.
So many efforts exist to "open" up education around the world. How can we help connect these efforts? We'd like to start by collaboratively building a human timeline of open education.
Do you remember when and where you first became aware of open education? When did you first become passionate about "open" or participate in an "open" event or job? Where and what was it? What else in this area has most inspired you? We will share experiences and manually place ourselves along a real world timeline (think rolls of butcher paper, markers, glitter is optional). Then we'll start fleshing out the timeline with key events and persons that we think brought the open education and knowledge movement to where it is today. We'll stop whenever we get tired, make merry with refreshments and snacks, and digitize whatever we have by the end of the evening for further contributions from everyone and anyone on the web. We'll make the resulting timeline available openly (either via CC0, CC BY, or CC BY-SA), and feature it in a chapter of the Open Education Handbook!
If you would like to register then do so quick, spaces are filling up fast!