Open Education Handbook

Open Education Handbook Overview


The Open Education Handbook is a collaboratively written living web document targeting educational practitioners and the education community at large.


Open Education is a topic which has become increasingly popular in a variety of contexts. The Open Education Handbook has been written to provide a useful point of reference for readers with a range of different roles and interests who are interested in learning more about the concept of Open Education and to help them deal with a variety of practical situations.

As a “living” online document, we hope that it will continue to evolve, reflecting cutting edge research and innovation in this area and helping educational communities to come to an improved understanding of the value of open.

It was initially written as a LinkedUp Project deliverable and kickstarted through a series of booksprints.

You can read more about the history of the handbook.

If you would like to contribute to the handbook then we advise you take a look at the following posts

Anyone can access what has been written and if you get a user account you can begin to contribute your ideas and suggestions.



The Open Education Handbook is a community project of the Open Education Working Group. It is supported by Creative Commons, Wikimedia Deutschland and the LinkedUp Project.


The Open Education Handbook is licenced under a the following Creative Commons licence.

Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon this work (even commercially) as long as credit is provided for the original creation. This is among the most accommodating of CC licenses offered, and recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials.

Access the Handbook

Online Wikibooks version of the handbook
[Format: html] This is a fork of the handbook appearing in Wikibooks. You can view the latest revision of this version and Wikipedia users can edit the content.

November 2014 edition of the handbook
[Format: pdf; epub] Created November 2014, can be downloaded from Google Drive. For the epub edition you may wish to use a viewer such as Calibre
Cover of handbook
[Format: pdf, jpg] Thanks go to Kevin Mears and Sam Smith for work on the cover.

If you have an idea about future ways the handbook can be used then contact us directly on education [at]

8 responses to “Open Education Handbook”

  1. […] another day and another project needing some love on Education Freedom Day: the Open Education Handbook! Started in September 2013 and initiated by the Open Education Working Group from the Open […]

  2. […] Via  […]

  3. […] Open Education Handbook is a collaboratively written living web document targeting educational practitioners and the […]

  4. […] morning I am taking part in a hangout to launch The Open Education Handbook, a collaboratively written document published by Open Knowledge Foundation for which I acted as the […]

  5. […] Dr. Rob Farrow, Dr. Beck Pitt, Dr. Leigh-Anne Perryman and others) have worked to develop The Open Education Handbook to support the use of Open Education. This handbook is a collaborative, living, web-based resource […]

  6. […] numeroaselor comunități de practică ce abordează tema educației deschise. Așa s-a născut Open Education Handbook, „a collaboratively written living web document targeting educational practitioners and the […]

  7. […] The Open Education Handbook este un proiect realizat de LinkedUp Project 1 prin care se dorește sublinierea importanței informației și a cunoașterii, datorită cărora, nu numai soarta unui individ poate fi schimbată, ci și a unei societăți întregi. Inegalitatea de șanse izvorăște din lipsa de cunoaștere a indivizilor unei societăți. Aceasta poate fi combătuta prin aplicarea conceptului de educație deschisă, mai exact, prin transformarea resurselor educaționale utilizate pentru predare și învățare în resurse/documente publice. […]