Open Education Handbook Booksprint
On 3rd September 2013 seventeen open education experts came together to begin writing the Open Education Handbook. The handbook is one of the LinkedUp Project deliverables, but the dissemination team have chosen to also make it one of the first activities of the soon to be launched Open Education Working Group. The handbook takes the form of an open, living document and it made sense to start the process through a collaborative effort – in the form of a booksprint. The Book Sprint methodology was started by Adam Hyde at and involves bringing together a group to produce a book in 3-5 days. There is no pre-production and the group is guided by a facilitator from zero to published book. The five main parts of a book sprint (as described by Dr D. Berry and M. Dieter) are concept mapping, structuring, writing, composition and publication. It was decided to take a less-pressurised and more collaborative approach to writing the Open Education Handbook handbook. We would get the process kick started with a mini-booksprint, which would hopefully give us the initial outline of the book, the final edited version would be written over a longer time period of time (with a final version delivered October next year). The booksprint was held at C4CC in London and open education experts from many different sectors (commercial, academic, government, not-for profit) were invited to attend. Getting started The day began with coffee, biscuits and an opportunity for people to get to know each other and talk about their area of interest in open education. This allowed the team to be split into three focal groups: data, pedagogy and resources. To ensure everyone knew what was expected of they were given an introduction to the LinkedUp project, the Working Group, the handbook and the booksprints in general.
To start stimulating ideas Phil Barker from CETIS delivered an excellent presentation exploring ideas around the different shades of openness and how they apply to education. Phil's talk lead nicely into a warm up exercise based on the P2PU spectrogram activity. Participants were asked to write down a controversial statement on a post-it note. A statement was then chosen and participants were asked to stand on an 'invisible' line where one end stood for "I agree completely", the other end stood for "I disagree completely". They were then asked to discuss why they felt this way with the person next to them in the line. We also had people from opposite ends of the line explain their position. The statements we chose were "higher education is by its very nature elite" and "everything on the web should be free to repurpose and reuse". Naturally the statements encouraged some vigorous debate, but the exercise also encouraged people to begin the booksprint with an open mind and no preconceived ideas about what the book should be. Initial brainstorming As mentioned we began the day by assigning participants to topic groups. These topic groups implied high-level headings for the handbook. Ideally we would have liked to have begun from scratch but this decision was made to ensure that something concrete came out of the day. Particpants were sat at tables in their groups and began brainstorming about their topic area in the context of open education. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="487"]
- Audience for this topic
- Content (sub headings) for this topic
- Definitions needed
- Points that need to be made
- Questions that need to be answered
- Challenges - what needs to change?
- Opportunities - what can be achieved?

[…] Open Education Handbook Booksprint | Open Education Working Group […]
[…] Join the School of Open (Creative Commons & P2PU), the Open Knowledge Foundation, and FLOSS Manuals Foundation for a fun evening to connect with your peers in the open education space! So many efforts exist to “open” up education around the world. How can we help connect these efforts? We’d like to start by collaboratively building a human timeline of open education — Do you remember when and where you first became aware of open education? When did you first become passionate about “open” or participate in an “open” event or job? Where and what was it? What else in this area has most inspired you? We will share experiences and manually place ourselves along a real world timeline (think rolls of butcher paper, markers, glitter is optional). Then we’ll start fleshing out the timeline with key events and persons that we think brought the open education and knowledge movement to where it is today. We’ll stop whenever we get tired, make merry with refreshments and snacks, and digitize whatever we have by the end of the evening for further contributions from everyone and anyone on the web. We’ll make the resulting timeline available openly (either via CC0, CC BY, or CC BY-SA), and feature it in a chapter of the Open Education Handbook! […]