Comments on: Adult Education and OER: conclusions and policy recommendations for Europe Fri, 29 Dec 2017 15:34:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Robert Blomeyer Mon, 18 Jan 2016 16:41:36 +0000 Paul:

Your report’s summary has some similarities to both findings and recommendations from a “meta-analysis” of research conducted on K-12 online learning in the US back in 2004-2005. (Smith, Clark & Blomeyer, 2005)

Report here:

Summary Findings and Recommendations here:

I’m fully retired now. And no longer keeping up with online learning research in the US or in the European Union. That said, from everything I understand about factors working for and against implementing effective OLL programs, I daresay your conclusions and recommendations about professional development/training of online educators are a bit understated.

The importance of providing effective fully online preparation for online instructors cannot be over-emphasized. Good teachers/instructors who have never themselves experienced teaching in an online learning environment often find themselves being thrust into teaching online with little or no preparation.

The online faculty & leadership at the Open University in the UK probably knows more about this subject than any other group of academics I know of in the European Union. Their knowledge their vast knowledge may be based more in their work experience experience than on relevant academic research.

Since relevant academic research about online teaching & learning seems to still be in short supply, “craft knowledge” may be your best bet for insights to improve online education policy & practice in the European Union.

Sincerely yours,
Robert L. Blomeyer. Ph.D. (retired)
